2018.5.30 Xinzuo Fang's PhD defense
2018.1.8 Group Dinner
2018.1.8 Party celebrating the 5th anniversary of our group establishment
2018.1.8 Party celebrating the 5th anniversary of our group establishment
2017.10.29 Group outing at FangTe amusement park (Wuhu)
2017.6.11 Photo with the members leaving the group
2017.6.11 Group photo
2016.12.31 Group lunch
2016.12.31 Group photo
2016.6.17 with graduates (from left: Yingli, Yuzhen and Yuxiao)
2016.6.5 Group photo
2016.6.5 Photo with the members leaving the group
2016.5.28 Yu-Zhen Chen's PhD defense
2016.3.27 Group barbecue at Hefei Botanical Garden
2015.12.31 group photo