2023.4.29 The 10th anniversary of the research group at the Taiping Lake
2023.1.14 the 2022 year-end tea party
2022.10.21 Yunyang QIAN's and Lili LING's PhD defense
2022.6.1 Photo with the members who are leaving the group
2022.6.1 Photo with the graduates
2022.6.1 the group photo
2022.5.22 Jianfei SUI's PhD defense
2022.1.15 the 2021 year-end tea party
2021.10.24 the group outing to Hefei Sunac Land
2021.6.20 We are M-O-Fers
2021.6.20 Photo with the members who are leaving the group
2021.6.20 the group photo
2021.5.22 Xing MA's and Yating PAN's PhD defense
2021.4.25 Group Outing
2021.1.16 the 2020 year-end dinner party